18 years ago

Wild Wild Night

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So I was talking to my friend Punker Barbie on instant messenger the other day and I mentioned how I missed my phoenix friends since I moved back to California. (Punker is the girl who runs Kate’s site.) When I lived in Phoenix I worked from home, and it wasn’t uncommon for her to stop by with a bottle of chilled Jager to entertain me (with shots, not sex!). I miss her and all of my Phoenix friends. She decided to fix this by flying out with Lia, whom is always up for a quick flight to party. Here’s a picture from dinner.

We did the bar hopping thing and things quickly got out of hand when we the booze started flowing as it always does when I hang out with Lia. We met this chick who wanted to drink straight from the bottle and it was all downhill from there.

My my, I love how the girls dress up to go out drinking these days. And the more booze, well, the marrier everyone is.

As the night was coming quickly to a close we were invited back to some woman’s house. We had planned ahead and hired a driver (and stocked the car full of yet more booze!). Somehow the party ended up in her back yard….

The two girls pictured above ended up banging the hell out of each other, but I was too far gone to take any pictures. I didn’t have a camera; These pictures weren’t taken by me. But it was fun to watch. There was a hot tub there too and I had my share of fun, trust me.

Seems Lia and Kate will be back in town next Saturday night for my friend’s “Great Halloween Party”. (More details about that later this week.) I wonder if I should invite Raimi to come out for the party as well.

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