19 years ago

Mexico Rocked!

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Mexico was a blast. It always is. It’s almost like a high school reunion. Imagine getting together with 120 of your former classmates for four days of free booze. Then factor in everyone has money to blow so we came well stocked with bottles of all kinds of booze. I myself brought Jager, which doesn’t seem to be too common in Mexico.

I went down on the advance team where a handful of us went to set a few things up in advance. Thanks in part to my Nazi Dentist (who refused to give me any good drugs for my teeth problems) one of our first stops was to the local Pharmcia where I purcahsed enough drugs to keep me high as a damn kite for the next year. We started drinking at 11am in Mexico; I was fucked up by 2am.

So we drank all weekend. During the day we did some sight seeing and drank more in little bars. At night we ate a big dinner – all 120 of us – and then proceeded to get fucked up all over again. Thanks in part to the medication I was taking at one point I was so fucked up that I had zoned out and refused to talk to anyone for two hours. I scared a bunch of people that night.

Of course whenever we got bored we stopped in at the local Phramcia. You can get anything you want from Prozac to Vicodin to Viagra. One guy there popped a few Viagra just for shits and giggles and walked around with a huge boner for two days.

Misty Anderson didn’t make it although I had offered to pay her way, but just as good was Princess Cameron. She’s become a good friend of mine.

More stories to follow. Perhaps later I’ll mention what I did to my good friend Chad and expalins what happens when you have twenty-four bags of pink marshmellows and 100 people who are drunk…….

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