16 years ago

Dawson Miller’s Jump Suit

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There are many things I am happy about. For example, I am happy that being a lesbian is back in. I’m fucking thrilled, but mostly because I enjoy going into a bar and buying a few drinks and getting chicks who would never kiss another woman to make out with other chicks. Yeah, I’m thrilled about that.

I’m also happy that I missed the late 60s and the 70s. I never did understand the disco thing. I also couldn’t imagine trying to wrestle a women out of a jump suit like Dawson Miller is wearing here.

dawson miller tight jumpsuit2

These jumpsuits must have killed quickies!

However, if they are tight enough…. They do look good from behind, but I would imagine a tight pair of jeans would have the same effect.

dawson miller tight jumpsuit1

God, I love Dawson’s long hair…. I’d tap that ass from behind and use her hair like reigns!

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