16 years ago

Porn Secrets

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I’ve been in the industry for a while and I’ve learned a few tricks. One of them is a secret about my favorite subjects – breasts!

ashylynn brooke nice tities

The above picture is of a woman named Ashlynn Brookes. She’s a cutie. But pay special attention to her breasts. She’s not wearing a bra, and I find it highly unlikely that they are that damn perk. I mean, she’s got rather large breasts, and usually large breasts aren’t this perky. Take note of her arms. Her arms are pushing her breasts closer together, and her wrists are more or less making her breasts perky.

The best part is when they are moving, like crawling around on their hands and knees. When a woman moves her arms foward their breasts kind of get pushed and flop out like surprise.

Good stuff. I’m sure you’ll be the hit at the next party you go armed with this information!

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